Wednesday, 18 May 2011


Wake up in the morning feeling like wanna sleep again. Brush my teeth and take a bath, go down to have breakfast. Bread as my breakfast. And then go upstairs updating my iphone, downloaded some games, sync music & photos. Playing games then go to bed. Had 3 hours nap. Wake up again, take a bath again, online , having dinner, dating and then go to bed again. So bored. I need a job, i guess. I need different activities. Can't wait for Juni & July!

Now, im super confused! Culinary arts, hospitality management, management, or chemical engineering? KL, Medan or Surabaya? Berjaya, USU or UMI? Can i pass USU? I hate uni life. I want school's life back! School's life better, no need to think to much. Wake up, take a bath,go to school, gossiping, playing, courses, home, homework , and study. Used to it already, now is different. After graduated? Need to find uni, the major, need part time job, bla bla bla. Confusing.

it's okay to be :

How's your day,people?


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