Monday, 16 May 2011


i'm finally home! yesterday, actually. Spent 8 days 7 nights at KL and Singapore. Had so much fun. Smile, laugh, cry or even fighting. I don't know why the situation could be like that. Just forgive & forget, although it's hurt. Traveling with them was fun. Went to Universal again and Sunway, shopped like crazy, ate, laugh, etc. I think 1 week was not enough for us to travel hahaha we need at least 2 weeks to travel all around KL and Singapore. Don't what to say. Sorry & thanks for this 1 week. Sorry if i were wrong or whatever.

The saddest part of life is when you couldn't attend prom night. That what i felt. It's sad. Why? I don't want to say or explain anymore, it's ......... speechless. I regretted so many things. If only i could turn back time.... SIGH

But overall, that one week was FUN. Thank you.guys! :D

*Those are some of the pictures that i've taken


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